From Concept to Code: Writing Your First Diesel Application

Welcome to this step-by-step guide on creating your first Diesel application! Diesel is a powerful framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python. In this tutorial, we will build a simple echo server. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Setting Up Your Environment

Before we dive into the code, ensure you have Python 2.6 installed on a Linux system, as Diesel requires these specifics.

Install Diesel

To install Diesel, use the following command:

easy_install -UZ diesel

Step 2: Writing Your First Echo Server

Let’s start by writing a simple echo server. This server will echo back any message it receives.

The Code

Here’s the Python code for our echo server:

from diesel import Application, Service, until_eol

def echo(remote_addr):
    their_message = yield until_eol()
    yield "you said: %s\r\n" % their_message.strip()

app = Application()
app.add_service(Service(echo, 7050))


  • Application: This is the main event hub.
  • Service: Defines a TCP service listening on a specified port.
  • until_eol(): Waits for the end of a line from the connected client.

Step 3: Running Your Server

To run your server, save the above code in a file named and execute it:

bashKopiera kodpython

Step 4: Interacting with Your Server

Open a terminal and connect to your server using telnet:

bashKopiera kodtelnet localhost 7050

Type any message and see it echoed back to you!

Interactive Code Example

Let’s make this tutorial more interactive. Below is an embedded code editor where you can modify and run the code directly in your browser.

Interactive Editor

Interactive Diesel Echo Server

Interactive Diesel Echo Server

Edit the code below and click “Run” to see the output.


Congratulations! You’ve written and run your first Diesel application. This simple echo server is just the beginning. Explore Diesel’s documentation to learn more about building powerful asynchronous applications.

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